You Are Mermazing image split for Instagram grid

Creating Stunning Instagram Grid Sliced Photos with MySocialBoutique

A well-crafted Instagram grid can make a lasting impression in the world of Instagram, where aesthetics play a crucial role in captivating audiences. The Instagram grid sliced photo is one popular trend that has taken the platform by storm. This eye-catching technique involves slicing a single image into multiple posts that form a stunning and cohesive mosaic when viewed together on an Instagram profile. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through creating these captivating Instagram grid-sliced photos using the user-friendly tool, MySocialBoutique.

Step 1: Selecting the Perfect Image

Before we begin, the first step is choosing an image you want to showcase on your Instagram grid. Opt for a photo that is visually engaging, has a clear focal point, and maintains its appeal even when divided into individual segments. Landscape shots or images with symmetrical elements often work well for this purpose.

Step 2: Accessing MySocialBoutique

To get started, visit MySocialBoutique at This online tool offers a simple and intuitive interface for creating Instagram grid sliced photos without the need for any specialized design skills.

My Social Boutique instagram grid splitter

Step 3: Uploading and Slicing the Image

Once you access the website, upload your selected photo by clicking on the “Upload” button. The tool will prompt you to select the number of rows and columns to divide the image into. Remember that the more rows and columns you choose, the more posts you’ll need to upload to complete the grid. Starting with a 3×3 grid is recommended for beginners, as it balances complexity and visual impact.

Upload an image to the grid splitter

Step 4: Editing and Downloading the Sliced Images

After the image is uploaded and sliced, MySocialBoutique will generate individual image segments. Before downloading them, you can make slight adjustments, such as applying filters or tweaking colors, to ensure consistency across the grid.

Splitting an image

Step 5: Posting the Grid on Instagram

With the sliced images now ready, it’s time to post them on your Instagram profile. Start by uploading the images in order, following the row and column sequence from MySocialBoutique. As each post is published, it will automatically line up with the others, creating an impressive visual effect when visitors view your profile.

Step 6: Maintaining Consistency

To make your Instagram grid sliced photo truly stand out, it’s essential to maintain consistency in your posts. Pay attention to the colors, theme, and style to ensure that each slice seamlessly blends with the others. This cohesiveness will keep your audience engaged and eager to see your next grid.


Creating an Instagram grid sliced photo is a creative and engaging way to showcase your content on the platform. With the help of user-friendly tools like MySocialBoutique, the process becomes even more accessible to anyone, regardless of their design expertise. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you’ll be able to captivate your audience with a stunning mosaic that sets your Instagram profile apart from the crowd. So, why wait? Get started on your very own Instagram grid sliced photo journey and watch your followers be mesmerized by your visual storytelling prowess.